The Digital Bloom: Inbound Digital Marketing Agency

5 Signs Your IT Company’s Marketing Needs Fixing (And How To Do It)


You’ve poured your heart and soul into marketing your software development outsourcing (SDO) business. You’ve networked, advertised, and crafted the perfect message, yet new clients still need to be discovered.

This isn’t uncommon. Even the most well-intentioned marketing efforts can backfire. But how do you know when to hit the reset button on your SDO marketing strategy?

Here are five key signs your message isn’t resonating, as well as actionable steps to get things back on track and attract the ideal clients for your SDO business.

1. Your Online Presence is a Ghost Town

Imagine this: You’ve built a beautiful website showcasing your SDO expertise, but your visitor count is lower than a buggy beta launch. There are no inquiries, no leads, just the deafening silence of crickets chirping in the digital void.

This lack of website traffic is a major red flag. Remember, in today’s digital world, visibility is paramount. Potential clients won’t find you if you’re hidden in the depths of the internet.

Here are three actionable steps to lure visitors to your website and transform it from a ghost town into a thriving hub:

Invest in SEO:

  • Research relevant keywords potential clients use to search for SDO services. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs can help with this.
  • Optimize your website content by incorporating these keywords naturally throughout your pages, including titles, meta descriptions, headings, and body text.
  • Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that establishes you as a thought leader in the SDO space. This will attract potential clients and keep them engaged.

Become a Content Marketing Machine:

  • Don’t rely solely on your website for your online presence. Create valuable content like blog posts, case studies, and white papers that address your target audience’s pain points and showcase your expertise.
  • Share this content consistently on relevant platforms like LinkedIn and industry publications to reach a wider audience.

Harness the Power of Social Media:

  • Engage with potential clients and industry professionals on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Share valuable content, participate in relevant discussions, and join industry groups to build relationships and establish your brand as a trusted resource.

By implementing these practical steps, you can increase website traffic, attract qualified leads, and position yourself as a go-to SDO provider in the eyes of your ideal clients. Remember, consistent effort and a data-driven approach are vital to achieving your online marketing goals.

2. Your Leads Disappear into Thin Air

Generating leads is exciting, but it’s only the first step. If your leads vanish quicker than a compilation error, never to be seen again, you face a significant problem.

Leads are valuable, but only if they convert. They represent potential clients who have expressed interest in your SDO services but have yet to commit. However, if you don’t nurture and guide those leads through the sales funnel, they’ll likely turn to your competitors.

Here are three actionable steps to stop your leads from performing a disappearing act:

  1. Craft a Personalized Nurturing Journey:
  • Don’t blast the same generic message to every lead. Segment your leads based on their needs, interests, and level of engagement.
  • For example, leads who downloaded a white paper on “Cost-Effective Software Development Strategies” might be interested in receiving a case study showcasing how you helped a similar client achieve cost savings.
  • Utilize email marketing automation tools to send personalized email sequences at different stages of the buyer’s journey, providing relevant information and offers at the right time.
  1. Go Beyond Email: Engage on Multiple Channels:
  • Don’t rely solely on email marketing. Engage your leads on various platforms they frequent, such as LinkedIn, social media, or even industry forums.
  • Share engaging content, such as infographics, videos, or blog posts, that addresses their pain points and showcases your expertise.
  • Respond promptly to their questions and comments, demonstrating your responsiveness and commitment to providing value.
  1. Track and Analyze Your Lead Nurturing Efforts:
  • Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand what resonates with your leads and identify areas for improvement.
  • A/B tests different email subject lines, content offers, and calls to action (CTAs) to see what drives the most engagement and conversions.
  • By continuously analyzing and refining your lead nurturing strategy, you can turn lukewarm leads into enthusiastic clients who trust your ability to deliver exceptional SDO services by continuously analyzing and refining your lead nurturing strategy.

Remember, lead nurturing is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. By implementing these practical steps and continuously monitoring your results, you can build lasting relationships with your leads, increase conversions, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

3. Your Marketing Feels Like a Gamble

Ever feel like you’re pouring money into marketing but seeing little to no return on investment (ROI)? Your marketing budget feels like a bottomless pit, and frustration sets in.

Marketing your SDO business should be a strategic investment that fuels growth and attracts ideal clients. But how do you ensure your marketing efforts are delivering a tangible return?

Here are three actionable steps to transform your marketing efforts into an engine for growth:

  1. Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making:
  • Don’t just throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks. Track your marketing results meticulously using analytics tools.
  • Monitor critical metrics like website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and sales. This data provides valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not.
  1. Identify What’s Not Working:
  • Analyze your data to pinpoint areas where your campaigns need to catch up. Are certain channels generating minimal traffic? Are specific ads failing to convert leads?
  • Feel free to experiment and test different approaches. A/B tests different ad copy, landing pages, or social media strategies to see what resonates best with your audience.
  1. Refine and Optimize Continuously:
  • Marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it activity. Based on your data analysis, continuously refine and optimize your marketing strategies. Allocate resources to what’s working and adjust or eliminate what’s not delivering results.
  • Remember, successful marketing is an iterative process. You can maximize your ROI and achieve your business goals by constantly learning, adapting, and optimizing your approach.

4. “Outsourcing” Means “Cheap,” Not “Value.”

Imagine this: You proudly present your proposal, highlighting your expertise, proven track record, and streamlined processes, only to be met with a response focused solely on cost. Your potential client wants the “cheapest” option, seemingly oblivious to the value your SDO services can provide.

This price tag stigma can be a significant hurdle for SDO businesses. When potential clients solely focus on cost, it undermines your quality, efficiency, and expertise.

Here are three actionable steps to shift the conversation from price to value:

  1. Articulate Your Unique Value Proposition:
  • Don’t just focus on “we’re cheaper.” Instead, clearly articulate your SDO services’ unique value proposition beyond cost savings.
  • This could include factors like faster time to market, access to specialized skills, improved development quality, or ongoing support and maintenance.
  • Quantify this value proposition whenever possible. For example, showcase how your SDO services helped past clients achieve specific ROI improvements or cost savings in other areas.
  1. Showcase Client Success Stories:
  • Don’t just tell; show. Highlight successful client stories demonstrating the positive outcomes achieved through your SDO partnership.
  • Focus on specific metrics and achievements that resonate with your target audience’s pain points.
  • Use case studies, testimonials, and client quotes to showcase your services’ real-world impact on businesses.
  1. Position Yourself as a Trusted Advisor:
  • Go beyond being just a service provider. Position yourself as a trusted advisor who understands your client’s needs and challenges.
  • Offer consultations and expertise beyond just code. This could involve helping clients define project requirements, identify potential risks, and develop long-term development strategies.
  • By demonstrating your commitment to their success, clients are more likely to see the value in your services beyond just the initial price tag.

Remember, shifting the focus from price to value requires a proactive and strategic approach. By implementing these steps, you can communicate the true worth of your SDO services and attract clients who value your expertise and the positive impact you can bring to their business.

5. Your Brand Goes Unnoticed

Imagine attending a bustling industry conference only to realize no one recognizes you or your brand. This scenario translates to the digital world when your social media presence is a ghost town: no comments, shares, or engagement with potential clients.

In today’s digital landscape, social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness, fostering relationships, and attracting leads. However, if your social media efforts are falling flat, it’s time to hit the refresh button.

Here are three actionable steps to spark conversations, build relationships, and turn your social media presence into a thriving community:

  1. Post Valuable Content Consistently:
  • Don’t just post generic company updates or self-promotional content. Share valuable content that informs, educates, and engages your target audience.
  • This could include industry insights, helpful tips on software development best practices, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company culture.
  • Focus on consistently posting high-quality content to stay top-of-mind and build trust with your audience.
  1. Engage in Meaningful Conversations:
  • Social media is a two-way street. Don’t just broadcast your message; actively converse with potential clients and industry professionals.
  • Respond promptly to comments and messages, answer questions thoughtfully, and join relevant discussions.
  • Show your audience you value their feedback and are committed to building genuine connections.
  1. Leverage the Power of Different Social Media Platforms:
  • Don’t limit yourself to just one platform. Identify where your target audience spends online and be present on those platforms.
  • Tailor your content and engagement strategies to each platform’s format and audience dynamics.
  • For example, share infographics and longer-form content on LinkedIn while using Twitter for real-time updates and short, engaging posts.

These practical steps can transform your social media presence from a silent observer to a vibrant engagement hub. Remember, building a community on social media takes time and consistent effort. By providing value, fostering interaction, and effectively utilizing different platforms, you can turn your online presence into a powerful tool for attracting new clients and growing your SDO business.


By recognizing the warning signs and taking the actionable steps outlined above, you can breathe new life into your SDO marketing strategy and attract the ideal clients who value your expertise and unique value.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Invest in SEO and content marketing to increase website traffic and establish your thought leadership.
  • Implement lead nurturing strategies to keep your leads engaged and guide them through the sales funnel.
  • Shift the conversation from price to value by highlighting your unique value proposition and showcasing client success stories.
  • Become an active participant on social media by sharing valuable content, engaging in meaningful conversations, and utilizing different platforms effectively.
  • Embrace data-driven decision-making to track your marketing performance, identify what’s working, and continuously refine your strategies to maximize ROI.

Remember, successful marketing is not a magic trick; it’s a journey of continuous learning and optimization. By taking consistent action, leveraging the practical steps outlined in this post, and embracing a data-driven approach, you can transform your SDO marketing efforts into a powerful engine for growth and attract clients who are the perfect fit for your business.

Ready to take the next step? Let’s chat! Schedule a free consultation to discuss your specific SDO marketing challenges and develop a tailored strategy to help you achieve your business goals.

IT businesses need unique marketing strategies to connect with their audience in today’s fast-paced digital world. At The Digital Bloom, we provide customized Marketing Services for IT Companies to enhance their brands. With over ten years of experience in marketing for software development outsourcing, our data-driven approach focuses on improving their online presence, attracting top brands, and fostering growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I measure the effectiveness of my SEO and content marketing efforts?

To gauge the impact of your SEO and content marketing efforts, consider the following steps:

  • Website Traffic and Organic Search Rankings: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic. Observe changes in organic search rankings for targeted keywords.
  • Conversion Rates: Track the number of visitors who convert into leads or customers. Analyze conversion rates for specific landing pages or content pieces.
  • Backlinks and Referral Traffic: Keep an eye on the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your site. Referral traffic from reputable sources indicates effective content.
  • Engagement Metrics: Assess user engagement through metrics like time spent on a page, bounce rate, and social shares.
  • Keyword Performance: Evaluate keyword performance over time. Are you ranking higher for relevant terms?

What examples of email marketing automation tools and platforms can I use for lead nurturing?

When nurturing leads via email, consider these tools and platforms:

  • HubSpot: Offers robust automation features, personalized workflows, and lead scoring.
  • Mailchimp: Known for its user-friendly interface, segmentation options, and automation capabilities.
  • ActiveCampaign: Combines email marketing, automation, and CRM features.
  • Marketo: Ideal for B2B lead nurturing with advanced automation and personalization.
  • Pardot (by Salesforce): Tailored for B2B marketing automation, including lead scoring and drip campaigns.

How do I create a unique value proposition that differentiates my SDO services from those of my competitors?

To differentiate your SDO services from competitors, focus on these elements:

  • Understand Your Audience: Identify your market’s pain points, desires, and preferences.
  • Highlight Benefits: Clearly articulate how your services solve specific problems or fulfill needs.
  • Unique Features: Emphasize what sets your SDO services apart. Is it faster delivery, better customer support, or innovative technology?
  • Emotional Appeal: Connect with your audience on an emotional level. Show how your services improve their lives or businesses.
  • Consistency: Ensure your UVP aligns with your brand messaging across all touchpoints.
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